Terms of Use (App)

Effective Date: 09 Feb 2024

By using this app, you agree to the following terms of use:

All data is for information only and not for operational use. This includes data obtained using custom weather sources.
Use of all information and data is at your own risk. There is no guarantee for complete or correct data.

By using custom weather sources, you confirm that you have all the necessary rights to download and use the data you obtain from these sources.

Furthermore, you agree that the provider of this app is not liable for any damage that occurs while downloading or using this app. This includes, but is not limited to:
– usage of this app
– processing and using information or data within the app.
– indirect and direct consequential damage of any kind
– loss of data
– data theft
– system or production outages.

Weather data is provided as-is by the following sources:
– RainViewer
